andrew falcone

andrew falcone

Member Since August 8, 2018


Total Points

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112 Achievements

  • Array Organization
  • Meet NumPy
  • Buggy Logs
  • Cleaner Code
  • Timezones
  • Math Quiz App
  • Dates and Times
  • Dice Roller
  • Python: Advanced Objects
  • Python: Inheritance
  • Python: Instant Objects
  • Dungeon Game 2
  • Python Sets
  • Python Tuples
  • Python Dictionaries
  • Python Slices
  • Python Lists
  • Meet Lists
  • Using Lists
  • Build an Application
  • All Together Now
  • GitHub and Other Remote Repositories
  • Managing Committed Files
  • First Commits
  • Installing Programs
  • Environment and Redirection
  • Console Processes
  • Console Users and Permission
  • Moving Around in the Console
  • WWW
  • The Internet
  • Computer Languages
  • Computer Basics
  • Downloading Album Artwork
  • Requesting Real Data
  • Enhancing the iTunes Endpoint
  • URLs and Parameter Encoding
  • Building the User Interface
  • Modeling iTunes Search Results
  • Decoupling the Data Source
  • Sorting Contacts Into Sections
  • Static Table Views for Detail Interfaces
  • Displaying Contact Data
  • A High Level Overview
  • Error Handling
  • Dynamic Keys and Inheritance
  • Parsing Different JSON Structures
  • Parsing to Non-Primitive Types
  • An Overview of Codable
  • Refactoring Using Codable
  • Dark Sky API Client
  • Downloading JSON Data Asynchronously
  • Fetching Data From the Web
  • Modeling Forecast Data
  • Error Handling and Memory Management
  • Building Standard Library Functions
  • Closure Expressions
  • First Class Functions
  • Functions and Looping
  • Types and Branching
  • Meet Python
  • Generics and Protocols
  • Generic Types
  • Generic Functions, Parameters and Constraints
  • Adding Sound Effects
  • Personalizing The Story
  • Refactoring Our Code
  • Creating the User Interface Programmatically
  • Recursion and Space Complexity
  • Algorithms in Code
  • Time Complexity
  • Playing a Counting Game
  • Creating a Story
  • Navigating Through An Adventure
  • Using the Delegate Pattern in iOS
  • The Delegate Pattern
  • Writing Great Swift
  • Access Control
  • Memory Management in Swift
  • Extensions and Protocols
  • Value Semantics, Type Methods and Inheritance
  • Object Initialization
  • Properties
  • Displaying Additional Views
  • Using the Vending Machine
  • Loading Data From a Resource
  • Modeling an Interface
  • Error Handling
  • Creating Flexible Objects Using Protocols
  • Protocol Basics
  • Objects and Optionals
  • Introduction to Optionals
  • Introduction to Enumerations
  • Running Apps on a Device
  • Improving Our User Interface
  • Structs As Data Models
  • View Controllers and Views
  • Getting Started with iOS Development
  • Differentiating Between Objects
  • Class Inheritance
  • Classes in Swift
  • Complex Data Structures
  • Adding Power to Functions
  • Functions in Swift
  • Control Flow With Conditional Statements
  • Control Flow With Loops
  • Dictionaries in Swift
  • Introduction to Collections
  • Swift Operators
  • Swift Types
  • An Introduction to Swift Programming
  • Newbie