Ashley Crossland

Ashley Crossland


Hello, I am me.


Total Points

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Skills & Experience

  • Company


  • Job Title

    Graphic Designer

  • Spoken Languages

    • English

148 Achievements

  • Getting to Know Bootstrap 4
  • Going Further with Grid Layout
  • Flexible Sized Grids
  • Introducing Grid Layout
  • Art Direction with the Picture Element
  • Image Delivery with Srcset and Sizes
  • Introduction to Video Games
  • Swift Operators
  • Swift Types
  • An Introduction to Swift Programming
  • Type Tools
  • Masks Basics
  • PHP Includes
  • PHP Internal Functions
  • PHP Returns & Closures
  • PHP Functions Basics
  • PHP Loops
  • PHP Conditionals
  • PHP Datatypes
  • PHP Data & Structure
  • PHP Getting Started
  • Speeding up Workflow With Sass
  • Variables, Mixins, and Extending Selectors
  • Web Apps
  • Websites
  • Introduction
  • Layer Basics
  • Save for the Web
  • Adding Images and a Mockup
  • Logo Design
  • Creating a Wireframe
  • Introducing Adobe Illustrator
  • SEO Plugins for WordPress
  • Enhancing the SEO of a WordPress Theme
  • Content Comes First
  • WWW
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Simple Mobile Interface
  • Exporting Designs
  • Sketch Features
  • Introducing Sketch
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Workspace Basics
  • Working with CSS and JS in WordPress Themes
  • Starting a WordPress Theme
  • Going Mobile
  • Designing Email with CSS
  • Coding HTML Email
  • Manage BuddyPress Member Profiles
  • Getting Started with BuddyPress
  • Getting a WordPress Site
  • Getting Started with WordPress
  • Create Bootstrap Styled Theme Templates
  • Setup a Bootstrap Theme
  • Soft Skills - Psychology
  • Writing Online
  • Productivity
  • Presentation Skills
  • Important Skills For Professional Success
  • Video Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Product Market Fit
  • Discovery
  • Moving Beyond the Blog
  • Finding Business
  • Creating Content
  • Introduction to Blogging
  • HTML Email Basics
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Creating HTML Content
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • Prototyping With Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Brand Identity
  • Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Usability Testing
  • Usability Basics
  • Social Media
  • Better SEO Through Content
  • Introduction to SEO
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • WordPress Plugin Best Practices
  • Widgets and Custom Menus
  • Custom Post Types and Fields
  • Customizing WordPress Themes
  • Launching a WordPress Site
  • WordPress Themes
  • Installing Wordpress
  • WordPress and Forms
  • Extending WordPress Template Functionality
  • Converting Static HTML into WordPress Templates
  • Preparing to Code WordPress Templates
  • WordPress Theme Functions
  • Manipulating Schema with SQL
  • Creating Tables and Manipulating Data with SQL
  • Reading Data from Databases with SQL
  • Installing MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench
  • Introduction to Data, Databases and SQL
  • WordPress Theme Templates
  • Content Strategy with WordPress
  • Local WordPress Development
  • Simple PHP Application: Wrapping Up The Project
  • Working with PHP Functions
  • Integrating With Paypal
  • Listing Inventory Items
  • Functions
  • Objects and Arrays
  • Adding a Contact Form
  • Creating the Menu and Footer
  • Getting Started with PHP
  • Control Structures
  • Basics
  • Advanced Techniques
  • Responsive Design
  • Adaptive Design
  • Fluid Foundation
  • Introduction to Responsive Web Design
  • Color Theory
  • Principles
  • Elements
  • Media Queries
  • CSS Animations
  • Transitions and Transforms
  • Flexbox and Multi-Column Layout
  • Gradients
  • Web Typography
  • Backgrounds and Borders
  • CSS Box Model
  • Text, Fonts, and Lists
  • Values and Units
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Objects
  • Links
  • Lists
  • Text
  • Introduction
  • Launching the Website
  • Styling Content
  • Creating a Website Structure
  • Text Editors and HTML
  • Website Basics
  • Newbie