Brandon Thompson

Brandon Thompson

Courses Plus Student

Member Since August 30, 2021


Total Points

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51 Achievements

  • Getters and Setters
  • Working with Classes in JavaScript
  • Object Basics
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript
  • How to Make Wireframes in Adobe XD
  • How to Make Wireframes on Paper
  • What is Wireframing?
  • Principles of Design
  • Elements of Design
  • Browser Persistent Data with PHP
  • JavaScript Tools and Workflows
  • JavaScript is Everywhere
  • Loop Through Objects
  • Object Basics
  • Understanding Classes
  • Why Object-Oriented Programming?
  • Loop Through Arrays
  • Store Multiple Values in an Array
  • Working with 'for' Loops
  • Simplify Repetitive Tasks with Loops
  • Arrow Functions
  • Pass Information Into Functions
  • Create Reusable Code with Functions
  • The Math Object
  • Working with Numbers
  • Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements
  • Working With Strings
  • Storing and Tracking Information with Variables
  • Hello, JavaScript!
  • Set Operations
  • Joining Table Data with SQL
  • Table Relationships
  • Database Keys
  • Database Normalization
  • Handling Errors When Manipulating Data
  • Deleting Data from a Database
  • Updating Data in a Database
  • Adding Data to a Database
  • PHPDB Stage 2: Querying the Database with PHP
  • Finding the Data You Want
  • Getting Data from a Database
  • Data, Databases and SQL
  • PHPDB Stage 1: Databases and PHP
  • Filtering Inputs and Escaping Outputs in PHP
  • $_GET and $_POST
  • Ordering, Limiting and Paging Results
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Aggregate and Numeric Functions
  • Working with Text
  • Getting to Know PHP
  • Newbie