Bryan Beaver

Bryan Beaver

Member Since July 9, 2013


Total Points

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71 Achievements

  • Starting a WordPress Theme
  • More Advanced PHP for WordPress
  • PHP Basics for WordPress
  • Introduction to PHP for WordPress
  • Prototyping With Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • Designing with the Latest Features
  • Basic Layout
  • The Box Model
  • Understanding Values and Units
  • Basic Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Creating a Spoiler Revealer
  • Introduction to jQuery
  • JavaScript Objects
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Overview of the WordPress Customizer
  • Slices
  • Lists Redux
  • Hack-n-Slash
  • Python Objects
  • Putting the "Fun" Back in "Functions"
  • Shopping List
  • Things That Count
  • Ins & Outs
  • Say Hello to Python
  • Form Basics
  • Adding a Contact Form
  • Creating the Menu and Footer
  • Installing a Ruby Development Environment
  • Setup a Bootstrap Theme
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • JavaScript Strings
  • Beyond the Basics
  • Advanced Objective-C
  • Introduction Variables
  • Functions
  • Objects and Arrays
  • Control Structures
  • Basics
  • Foundation Framework
  • Introduction to Objective-C
  • Pointers and Memory
  • Functional Programming in C
  • Fundamentals of C
  • Refactoring into a Model
  • Creating a Data Collection
  • Understanding Views and View Controllers
  • Getting Started (iOS7)
  • API Access
  • Viewing a Web Page
  • Adapting Data for Display
  • Data Modeling
  • Rebuilding from Scratch
  • Getting Data from the Web
  • Animate This
  • Shaking Things Up
  • Making It Pretty
  • Learning the Language
  • Getting Started with iPhone
  • Newbie