Christine Brown

Christine Brown

Member Since November 3, 2013


Total Points

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63 Achievements

  • Setup a Bootstrap Theme
  • Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
  • Limiting Results in Queries
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • Using Relationship Tables
  • Filtering Input for Queries
  • Querying the Database
  • Adding a Contact Form
  • Introduction to Data, Databases and SQL
  • Installing a Ruby Development Environment
  • PHP Objects and Classes
  • Creating the Menu and Footer
  • Getting Started with PHP
  • Manipulating Schema with SQL
  • Getting Started with Android
  • Why Version Control Matters
  • Working With Remote Repositories
  • Workflows
  • Merging
  • Branches
  • Getting Started With Git
  • Installing MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench
  • The Logo Sprint
  • Logo Design 101
  • Converting Static HTML into WordPress Templates
  • Getting Started With Rails
  • Installing Programs
  • Environment and Redirection
  • Console Processes
  • Console Users and Permission
  • Moving Around in the Console
  • Media Queries
  • Preparing to Code WordPress Templates
  • WordPress Theme Functions
  • Coding HTML Email
  • HTML Email Basics
  • Objects, Classes, and Variables
  • Ruby Strings
  • WordPress Theme Templates
  • Content Strategy with WordPress
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Text, Fonts, and Lists
  • Ruby Basics
  • Functions
  • Objects and Arrays
  • Control Structures
  • Basics
  • Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Values and Units
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Objects
  • Links
  • Lists
  • Text
  • Introduction
  • Launching the Website
  • Styling Content
  • Creating a Website Structure
  • Text Editors and HTML
  • Website Basics
  • Newbie