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Treehouse Code Adventures > Hamburger Menu

Hamburger Menu

Hamburger Menu

Create a hamburger menu that can be used in the mobile view to navigate between pages on the site.

Mobile icon

Created: 11/06/2023 by Dustin Usey

Skill level: beginner

Topics used: HTML CSS JavaScript

Estimated completion time: 30 Minutes

    Create a hamburger menu that can be used in the mobile view to navigate between pages on the site.

  1. 0

    To begin, click "Start Adventure" at the top of the page and then download your starter files.

  2. 1

    Use CSS Flexbox or Grid to lay out the hamburger menu.

  3. 2

    Use JavaScript to add event listeners to the hamburger menu.

  4. 3

    Use JavaScript to toggle the menu open and closed.

  5. 4

    Extra Challenge: Use CSS transitions or animations to animate the hamburger menu when it opens and closes.

  6. 5

    Extra Challenge: Create a desktop view of the navigation that is hidden in the mobile view. Use CSS media queries to hide the hamburger menu and display the desktop navigation instead.

  7. 6

    Extra Challenge: Expanding the browser window into desktop screen sizes will close the hamburger menu if it's open and the menu icon should be hidden, displaying the desktop navigation instead.