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Treehouse Code Adventures > Settings Panel

Settings Panel

Settings Panel

A settings panel that allows users to manage various account preferences including synchronization, online visibility, privacy controls, and the option to delete their account.

Desktop icon

Created: 11/06/2023 by Dustin Usey

Skill level: beginner

Topics used: HTML CSS JavaScript

Estimated completion time: 1 Hour

    A settings panel that allows users to manage various account preferences including synchronization, online visibility, privacy controls, and the option to delete their account.

  1. 0

    To begin, click "Start Adventure" at the top of the page and then download your starter files.

  2. 1

    Use CSS Flexbox or Grid to layout the elements on the page.

  3. 2

    Use JavaScript to add event listeners to the toggle switches and delete button.

  4. 3

    Use localStorage to save and load the state of the toggle switches.

  5. 4

    If "delete" is clicked, clear localStorage and set all toggle switches to the off position.

  6. 5

    Extra Challenge: Add another setting to toggle a dark mode and create the styles to go with it.

  7. 6

    Extra Challenge: If "delete" is clicked, have the user double down and confirm they truly want to delete their account. This could be a modal popup or it could be an input field that requires them to type in delete to confirm. Then a success message pops up and the settings menu is cleared.

  8. 7

    Extra Challenge: Have a 'create an account' view show in the menu if account was deleted.