Craig Stephenson

Craig Stephenson

Member Since May 10, 2024


Total Points

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27 Achievements

  • Python: Inheritance
  • Python: Instant Objects
  • Buggy Logs
  • Cleaner Code
  • Date and Time Basics
  • The Time Tracker
  • The Birthday App
  • Introduction
  • Creating a Memory Game
  • Emulating Built-ins
  • Welcome to OOP
  • Iterating and Packing with Dictionaries
  • Introducing Dictionaries
  • Sequence Operations
  • Sequence Iterations
  • Packing and Unpacking
  • Getting Info In and Out of Functions
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Getting to Know Tuples
  • Build an Application
  • Using Lists
  • Meet Lists
  • All Together Now
  • Functions and Looping
  • Types and Branching
  • Meet Python
  • Newbie