Dominick Triola

Dominick Triola

Member Since February 9, 2015


Total Points

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71 Achievements

  • Simple Mobile Interface
  • Exporting Designs
  • Sketch Features
  • Color Theory
  • Tools UXers Use
  • Moving Forward with UX
  • How UXers Think
  • What Do User Experience Designers Do?
  • What is User Experience (UX)?
  • Principles
  • Elements
  • Introducing Sketch
  • Rails Resource Index
  • Component Lifecycle
  • Designing Dataflow
  • Stateful Components
  • Thinking in Components
  • First Steps in React
  • Hello, GitHub!
  • PHP Includes
  • Getting Started With Git
  • Build and Share a Unity Game
  • Game Audio
  • Score, Enemies, and Game State
  • Pickups
  • Player Input and Cameras
  • The Unity Editor and Scene Setup
  • Perform
  • Console I/O
  • Prepare and Plan
  • Introduction to Video Games
  • The Internet
  • Computer Languages
  • Computer Basics
  • Custom Post Type Templates
  • Getting Work Done
  • A Lifestyle Choice
  • Growing Your Business
  • Client Services
  • Sales and Pitching
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Introduction to Blogging
  • The Logo Sprint
  • Logo Design 101
  • Introduction to Brand Identity
  • Introduction to PHP for WordPress
  • The Genesis Marketplace
  • Configuring a Genesis Child Theme
  • An Overview of the Genesis Framework
  • An Overview of WordPress Frameworks
  • Working with CSS and JS in WordPress Themes
  • Starting a WordPress Theme
  • Manipulating Schema with SQL
  • Creating Tables and Manipulating Data with SQL
  • Reading Data from Databases with SQL
  • Flexbox Layout
  • Positioning Schemes
  • Float Layout
  • Display Modes
  • Establishing a Proper Workflow
  • Pricing and Project Proposals
  • Finding Your First Project
  • Starting a Freelance Career
  • Installing Wordpress
  • Traversing and Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript
  • Selecting Elements and Adding Events with JavaScript
  • JavaScript and the DOM
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • Debugging HTML and CSS Problems
  • Newbie