Doug Devitre

Doug Devitre

St Louis, MO

I am learning to code.


Total Points

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Skills & Experience

  • Job Title

    Author of Screen to Screen Selling

  • Awards

    • REBAC Hall of Fame
    • Certified Speaking Professional

207 Achievements

  • 100 Days of Code
  • Refactoring with Sass
  • Installing Sass and Setting up the Project
  • Array Iteration
  • Creating Web Designs with Generative AI
  • Project Planning with Generative AI
  • Writing Copy
  • Hierarchy and Layout
  • Generative AI
  • Improving Quality Assurance Practices
  • Bug Reporting
  • Executing Tests
  • Writing Manual Test Cases
  • Why We Test
  • Give and Receive Feedback
  • Starting Right with PHP Best Practices
  • Lists, Code, Links and Images
  • Understanding Markdown
  • Get Involved in Open Source
  •  Create a Web Presence on GitHub
  •  Working on a Team
  • Working By Yourself
  • Hello, GitHub!
  • JavaScript Objects and Conditionals
  • JavaScript Arrays and Loops
  • JavaScript Functions
  • Data Types and Variables
  • JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries, and Developer Roles
  • JavaScript Outside of the Browser
  • Finishing the Game
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Treehouse Club - JavaScript
  • The Role of Selectors in JavaScript
  • Pseudo-classes and Combinators
  • Cleaner Code
  • Date and Time Basics
  • Selector Basics
  • Callbacks and the DOM
  • Callbacks with Timers
  • Introduction to Callback Functions
  • Character Builder
  • Flask Templates
  • Buggy Logs
  • The Time Tracker
  • The Birthday App
  • Introduction
  • Creating a Memory Game
  • Emulating Built-ins
  • Welcome to OOP
  • Iterating and Packing with Dictionaries
  • Introducing Dictionaries
  • Sequence Operations
  • Sequence Iterations
  • Packing and Unpacking
  • Getting Info In and Out of Functions
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Getting to Know Tuples
  • Build an Application
  • Using Lists
  • Meet Lists
  • All Together Now
  • Reusable GraphQL
  • Making Changes with Mutations
  • Fetching Data with Queries
  • Getting Started with GraphQL
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Keyframe and Line Drawing Animations
  • Transitions and Transforms
  • Creating an SVG
  • Introduction to SVG
  • Adding 3D Effects with CSS
  • Getting Started with CSS Transforms
  • Transition Timing Functions and Delays
  • Getting Started with CSS Transitions
  • Design Patterns
  • Page Layout
  • Going Further with Type
  • Laying Out Type
  • Web Typography
  • How to Choose and Use Fonts
  • Introduction to Typography
  • Exploration
  • Discovery
  • Functions and Looping
  • Types and Branching
  • Meet Python
  • Welcome to Flask
  • Performing CRUD Operations
  • Defining Models
  • Getting Started with Sequelize
  • Handling Errors When Manipulating Data
  • Deleting Data from a Database
  • Updating Data in a Database
  • Adding Data to a Database
  • Finding the Data You Want
  • Getting Data from a Database
  • Data, Databases and SQL
  • Refactoring and Modularizing a REST API
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • Managing Data and Asynchronous Code
  • Getting to Know REST APIs
  • Asynchronous Code in Express
  • Serving Static Files in Express
  • Applying Express Knowledge
  • Middleware
  • Deeper into Routing with Express
  • Using Templates with Express
  • Getting Started with Express
  • HTTP Methods and Headers
  • Creating a Basic Template Engine in Node.js
  • Handling Routes in Node.js
  • Creating a Simple Server in Node.js
  • Adding the Game Logic
  • Making the Game Interactive
  • Rendering the Game
  •  Building Constructor Methods and Generating Objects
  • Introducing 'Four in a Row'
  • JavaScript Tools and Workflows
  • JavaScript is Everywhere
  • Chrome DevTools Basics
  • Exploring Async/Await
  • Understanding Promises
  • Asynchronous JavaScript with Callbacks
  • What is Asynchronous Programming?
  • Programming AJAX
  • AJAX Concepts
  • Captioning Video
  • Media Basics
  • Structuring Tables
  • Table Basics
  • Combine and Minify Assets
  • Optimize Assets
  • Measuring Performance
  • Planning for Performance
  • Going Further with Grid Layout
  • Flexible Sized Grids
  • Introducing Grid Layout
  • Building Forms With Bootstrap
  • Using Bootstrap Components
  • Responsive Layouts With the Bootstrap Grid
  • Getting to Know Bootstrap 4
  • Getters and Setters
  • Working with Classes in JavaScript
  • Object Basics
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript
  • Traversing the DOM
  • Responding to User Interaction
  • Making Changes to the DOM
  • Getting a Handle on the DOM
  • The Browser Environment
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Going Further with Attribute Selectors and Pseudo-Classes
  • Selectors - Beyond the Basics
  • Loop Through Objects
  • Object Basics
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Loop Through Arrays
  • Store Multiple Values in an Array
  • Working with 'for' Loops
  • Simplify Repetitive Tasks with Loops
  • Build an Accessible Form
  • Introduction To Accessibility
  • Choosing Options
  • Organizing Forms
  • Form Basics
  • Building a Layout with Flexbox
  • Flexbox Properties
  • Understanding Flexbox
  • Responsive Patterns
  • Media Queries
  • Responsive Theory
  • Mobile-First CSS Layout
  • Arrow Functions
  • Pass Information Into Functions
  • Create Reusable Code with Functions
  • The Math Object
  • Working with Numbers
  • Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements
  • Working With Strings
  • Storing and Tracking Information with Variables
  • Hello, JavaScript!
  • CSS Media Queries
  • CSS Layout Techniques
  • Finishing Touches
  • Styling Images
  • Styling Boxes
  • Styling Text
  • Box Model Concepts
  • The CSS Box Model
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • Understanding Values and Units
  • Basic Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Going Further with HTML
  • Images, Text and Links
  • Structuring Your Content
  • Getting Started With HTML
  • CSS Fundamentals
  • HTML Fundamentals
  • Getting Familiar with HTML and CSS
  • Building Images Using Dockerfiles
  • Fundamentals of Docker
  • Docker Use Cases
  • Common Commands
  • Directories and Files
  • The Command Shell
  • Newbie