Ishfaq Zaman

Ishfaq Zaman

Bengaluru, India

I'm an artist and digital painter trying to get a handle on coding


Total Points

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Skills & Experience

  • Job Title

    Graphic Designer

  • Spoken Languages

    • English

24 Achievements

  • ADS Writing and Preparation
  • Introduction to UI Design
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Debugging HTML and CSS Problems
  • Sharing a Website
  • Responsive Web Design and Testing
  • Adding Pages to a Website
  • Styling Web Pages and Navigation
  • Customizing Colors and Fonts
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Creating HTML Content
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • MASH JavaScript
  • Treehouse Club - JavaScript
  • Treehouse Club - CSS
  • Welcome to the Treehouse Club
  • WWW
  • The Internet
  • Computer Languages
  • Computer Basics
  • Newbie