Jill Ball

Jill Ball

Member Since June 9, 2014


Total Points

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39 Achievements

  • HTML Fundamentals
  • Getting Familiar with HTML and CSS
  • Computer Languages
  • Computer Basics
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • Data Types and Variables
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Introducing Figma
  • Save for the Web
  • Adding Images and a Mockup
  • Logo Design
  • Creating a Wireframe
  • Introducing Adobe Illustrator
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Finishing the Game
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Design Foundations Final
  • Becoming a Problem Solver
  • Understanding Aesthetics
  • Introduction to Design
  • Telling the Story
  • Designing for Your User’s "To-be"
  • Understanding your User’s β€œAs-is” Scenario
  • Becoming Acquainted with Your User
  • Becoming a Design Thinker
  • Structuring Your Content
  • Getting Started With HTML
  • Managing Media in WordPress
  • Adding a New Web Page
  • Make It Beautiful with CSS
  • HTML: The Structural Foundation of Web Pages and Applications
  • Getting Familiar with HTML and CSS
  • Managing Content in WordPress
  • Installing WordPress Locally
  • What Is WordPress?
  • Workspace Basics
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • Newbie