Jonathan Bower

Jonathan Bower

Halifax NS


Total Points

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Learn more about when and how points are earned.

Skills & Experience

  • Company


25 Achievements

  • Backgrounds and Borders
  • CSS Box Model
  • Text, Fonts, and Lists
  • Values and Units
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Objects
  • Links
  • Lists
  • Text
  • Introduction
  • Debugging HTML and CSS Problems
  • Sharing a Website
  • Responsive Web Design and Testing
  • Adding Pages to a Website
  • Styling Web Pages and Navigation
  • Customizing Colors and Fonts
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Creating HTML Content
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • Newbie