Jonathon Irizarry

Jonathon Irizarry

Member Since July 19, 2016


Total Points

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114 Achievements

  • Finishing the Game
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Building Forms with Bootstrap
  • Using Bootstrap Components
  • Responsive Layouts with the Bootstrap Grid
  • Getting to Know Bootstrap 4
  • WordPress Themes
  • Local WordPress Development
  • Editing and Filtering Names
  • Adding and Removing Names
  • Traversing the DOM
  • Responding to User Interaction
  • Making Changes to the DOM
  • Getting a Handle on the DOM
  • The Browser Environment
  • JavaScript Objects
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • Add Reusable Logic to Your Sass
  • Write Smart and Efficient CSS with Sass
  • Improve Your Workflow with Sass
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Advanced Sass Concepts
  • Speeding up Workflow With Sass
  • Variables, Mixins, and Extending Selectors
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Finalizing the Project
  • Case Studies and Examples
  • The Brand Identity Design Process
  • Introduction to Brand Identity
  • The Logo Sprint
  • Logo Design 101
  • Keyframe and Line Drawing Animations
  • Transitions and Transforms
  • Creating an SVG
  • Introduction to SVG
  • Adding 3D Effects with CSS
  • Getting Started with CSS Transforms
  • Transition Timing Functions and Delays
  • Getting Started with CSS Transitions
  • Going Mobile
  • Designing Email with CSS
  • Coding HTML Email
  • HTML Email Basics
  • Save for the Web
  • Adding Images and a Mockup
  • Logo Design
  • Creating a Wireframe
  • Introducing Adobe Illustrator
  • Creating Home Page Assets
  • Applying Effects
  • How to Draw in Illustrator
  •  Adding Color and Type
  • Creating an Icon
  • Introduction to Illustrator
  • Workflow Basics
  • Slices & Save for Web
  • Art Direction with the Picture Element
  • Image Delivery with Srcset and Sizes
  • Vector Shapes
  • Type Tools
  • Masks Basics
  • Layer Basics
  • Workspace Basics
  • Design Foundations Final
  • Becoming a Problem Solver
  • Understanding Aesthetics
  • Introduction to Design
  • Building a Layout with Flexbox
  • Flexbox Properties
  • Understanding Flexbox
  • Responsive Patterns
  • Media Queries
  • Responsive Theory
  • Positioning Page Content
  • CSS Layout Project
  • Page Layout with the Float Property
  • Controlling Layout with CSS Display Modes
  • Getting Started with CSS Layout
  • Structuring Tables
  • Table Basics
  • Choosing Options
  • Organizing Forms
  • Form Basics
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Going Further with Attribute Selectors and Pseudo-Classes
  • Selectors - Beyond the Basics
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • Designing with the Latest Features
  • Basic Layout
  • The Box Model
  • Understanding Values and Units
  • Basic Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Debugging HTML and CSS Problems
  • Sharing a Website
  • Responsive Web Design and Testing
  • Adding Pages to a Website
  • Styling Web Pages and Navigation
  • Customizing Colors and Fonts
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Creating HTML Content
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • Meet Objects
  • Perfecting the Prototype
  • Using your New Tools
  • Getting Started with Java
  • Newbie