Kenneth Love
Treehouse Guest Teacher
Portland, OR
Besides teaching Python at Treehouse, Kenneth Love is a husband, father, & author. He created a few popular Python libraries, worked at most levels of the web stack, & was the Creative Director of a newspaper. He likes board games, activism, & dry humor.
Topics & Specialties
Courses & Workshops I've Taught
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A Social Network with Flask
It's time to dig in and build something big. In this course, we're going to take the tools we've learned, Flask, Peewee, and Python itself, and build a small social network. We'll have user registration, user authentication, strongly hashed passwords, form validation, and more.
15 minWorkshop
Introduction to Anaconda
Learn why you want to use Anaconda, and then learn how
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22 minPractice
Practice Writing Loops in Python
Programming with loops can be tricky, and the best way to get comfortable and grow your understanding is by practicing them.
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Python for File Systems
Python is a great language for the automated handling of files and directories. In this course, you'll learn how to navigate your file system with Python and create and manipulate files and directories. At the end, you'll build a project starter to make starting your Flask project just a little bit easier.
15 minWorkshop
Jupyter Notebooks
The Jupyter project has an amazing tool for Python, Julia, R, and other languages. Learn how to install Jupyter Notebooks, use them, and install kernels for other languages.
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Introduction to Data Security
Keeping data and communications secure is one of the most important topics in development today. In this course, we'll look at common methods of protecting both of these areas.
4 minPractice
Practice Basic Math Calculations in Python
Let's practice doing math and type conversions!
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3 minPractice
Practice Using Strings and Lists in Python
Practice creating basic strings and lists in Python. Use Python's multiplication abilities to save yourself some work!
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Object-Oriented Python
Sometimes simple scripts with functions in them just aren't enough. Eventually you'll need logical models of your work and that'll lead you to creating custom classes in Python. Object-oriented programming is a large topic. It provides us some amazing tools, though, so it's one of the most beneficial things to learn about in Python. First, you'll learn how to build basic custom classes. Then, you'll expand them through inheritance. And for some extra power, you'll also learn how to take control of Python's built-in classes to make your own more powerful while doing less work. Finally, we'll put everything together into a fun game utility.
15 minWorkshop
Python Type Hinting
Pythonistas have always relied on duck typing to handle different values in variables. Starting with Python 3.0, continuing in 3.5, and wrapping up in 3.6, type hints have been added to Python. What are these strange constructs and what have they done with all the ducks?
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7 minWorkshop
What's New in Python 3.6?
Python 3.6 was released in December, 2016 and brought with it some great new features. Let's look at a few of them in detail to see what you can start adding to your code today!
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Building an API with Flask can be pretty simple but you'll often end up with a large amount of code in just one or two files. In other words, it can be messy! But with a few simple tools like Flask-RESTFul, Flask-Limiter, and Flask-HTTPAuth, you can build a clean, well-organized, and strong API with this great, lightweight Python framework.
14 minWorkshop
CSV and JSON in Python
CSV and JSON files are two very common formats for storing and retrieving data. Both have great support in the Python language. Let's see how to take advantage of each of these file types.
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14 minWorkshop
Python File I/O
You're likely to find that, sooner or later, you're going to need to read and write data to and from files. Python makes that easy so let me show you how!
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9 minWorkshop
GitHub in Workspaces
If you're ready to use GitHub for version control, but want to stick with using Workspaces, this workshop quickly shows how to use these two great tools that work well together.
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22 minWorkshop
Want to use an IDE for your Python, Flask, or Django development? This workshop will show you how to install PyCharm and explore some of its more useful features.
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23 minWorkshop
Image Manipulation with Python
Learn how to use Python and the Pillow library to modify images through code.
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Functional Python
Functional programming is a great addition to any programmer's toolset. FP allows you to quickly filter lists, modify values, find answers, and other repetitious tasks with less code than other approaches.
40 minWorkshop
Learn how to use the built-in tkinter library to produce GUI applications that run on your computer.
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23 minWorkshop
Python Decorators
Decorators in Python are a common way of wrapping repeated functionality around your functions, methods, and classes. They're also one of the trickier things to learn how to build yourself. Let's see how to construct our own decorators and learn a bit about how Python handles functions, scope, and closures.
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13 minWorkshop
Using the Requests Library
The requests library is one of the most popular Python libraries, period. It's amazingly friendly and useful and makes working with RESTful APIs on the Internet a breeze. In this workshop, we'll look at how to use the library to make GET, POST, and other requests, how to process JSON data, and how to handle HTTP Basic and Digest auths.
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Python Testing
Every project can benefit from testing and Python's testing library is solid, strong, and easy to learn and use. In this course, we'll learn about doctests, Python's unittest library, and the super-handy third-party package coverage.py. Come along and learn to assert yourself!
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Using Databases in Python
When you want to store data from a program, you have two general choices: files or databases. In this course, we're going to explore using a database from within Python by using the excellent ORM Peewee. We'll build a command line diary application that stores our thoughts and notes in a SQLite database, lets us review and delete them, and even has a search feature!
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Regular Expressions in Python
Regular expressions are one of the tools that every programmer needs, but is often scared of. In this course, we'll explore the re module that Python provides and learn to write regular expressions for many different situations.
53 minWorkshop
Functional Programming with Python
Kenneth Love provides a quick overview and introduction to the world of functional programming and how to use it in Python
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Flask Basics
Flask is one of the easiest ways to bring your Python skills online. It's a great microframework used by thousands of people to create prototypes and small web apps.
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Write Better Python
We've learned the ins and outs of Python. We're comfortable making all sorts of data types, writing functions, and creating classes. But now we need to look at how our Python code should be formatted so it matches the standard. We'll also look at how to get our code to give us help() and how we can use logging and pdb to help us keep track of what's going on inside the code.