Keri Clowers

Keri Clowers

Member Since April 14, 2014


Total Points

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64 Achievements

  • How WordPress Plugins Work
  • JavaScript Strings
  • Starting a WordPress Theme
  • The WordPress Codex
  • Better SEO Through Tools
  • Better SEO Through Code
  • Better SEO Through Content
  • Introduction to SEO
  • Preparing to Code WordPress Templates
  • Setup a Bootstrap Theme
  • WordPress Theme Functions
  • Local WordPress Development
  • Simple PHP Application: Wrapping Up The Project
  • Working with PHP Functions
  • Integrating With Paypal
  • Build a Website With Bootstrap
  • Prototyping With Bootstrap
  • WordPress Theme Templates
  • Content Strategy with WordPress
  • Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
  • Listing Inventory Items
  • Adding a Contact Form
  • Creating the Menu and Footer
  • Getting Started with PHP
  • Creating a Simple Drawing Application
  • Creating a Password Confirmation Form
  • Creating a Mobile Drop Down Menu
  • Creating a Simple Lightbox
  • Creating a Spoiler Revealer
  • Introduction to jQuery
  • Introduction to Illustrator
  • Elements
  • Debugging HTML and CSS Problems
  • Sharing a Website
  • Responsive Web Design and Testing
  • Adding Pages to a Website
  • Styling Web Pages and Navigation
  • Customizing Colors and Fonts
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Creating HTML Content
  • HTML First
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • WordPress Plugin Best Practices
  • Widgets and Custom Menus
  • Custom Post Types and Fields
  • Customizing WordPress Themes
  • WordPress Themes
  • Installing Wordpress
  • Ruby Loops
  • Ruby Methods
  • Ruby Hashes
  • Ruby Arrays
  • Ruby Numbers
  • Ruby Strings
  • Objects, Classes, and Variables
  • Ruby Basics
  • Introduction to Data, Databases and SQL
  • Introduction Variables
  • Self-Assessment
  • Advanced Sass Concepts
  • Speeding up Workflow With Sass
  • Variables, Mixins, and Extending Selectors
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Newbie