- Android
- Beginner
About this Course
In this course we'll learn how we can reuse parts of an Activity called Fragments to cut down on repetitive code and better support our tablet users.
What you'll learn
- Fragments
- RecyclerViews
- ViewPagers
Introducing Fragments
Fragments are a great way to reuse code, especially for tablet layouts. In this stage we'll introduce the project and create our very first Fragment!
13 steps-
What are Fragments?
My First Fragment
5 questions
Adding Fragments to Activities
Adding a Fragment
2 objectives
Making a List
Checking It Twice
Handling Clicks
Handling Clicks
2 objectives
Fragment Lifecycle
Fragment Lifecycle
5 questions
Keeping Track of Instance State
Saving State
2 objectives
Managing Fragments
In this stage we'll learn more about how to manage our Fragments, and we'll get to use a new class named ViewPager!
8 stepsIngredients and Directions
In this stage we'll finish up the ingredients and directions Fragments. Then we'll take a step back and think about a couple refactoring options.
8 stepsTablet Time
In this stage we'll finally make our tablet users happy by creating a new layout just for tablets!
6 stepsTeacher
Ben Deitch
Ben is an Android teacher with a long history of creating and tinkering with Android apps. He's an avid learner, loves playing sports, and is a fairly average chef.