"Android Lists and Adapters (2015)" was retired on July 11, 2018. You are now viewing the recommended replacement.

- Android
- Beginner
About this Course
A collection of data is often represented in an app in some sort of list. In this course we will learn about the popular Android component called RecyclerView to display and interact with a list of items. We will see how to use some default components as well as building custom lists with our own layouts and adapters.
What you'll learn
- RecyclerView
- ViewHolder
- Adapter
- Android Data Binding Library
- JSONArray
Updating the Data Model
The first thing we need to do is get the list of data we want to display from our Dark Sky API. We will update the data model classes and have it ready to plug into a list.
6 stepsDisplaying Lists of Data
Displaying lists of data in Android can be done in a few different ways. In this stage we'll take a look at how to implement the popular RecyclerView widget for displaying lists.
5 stepsAdapters and ViewHolders
Adapters and ViewHolders are part of the Controller portion of the MVC design pattern. Let's see them in action
6 stepsConnecting the Data
Our Stormy app needs some minor clean up of data formatting and to be connected to the data from Dark Sky. We'll also look at some performance considerations.
5 stepsTeacher
Ken W. Alger
Ken has a long history around computers starting with early Commodore PETs and VIC-20s. He enjoys discussing programming and how to get started in the tech industry and is a MongoDB Certified Developer.
He lives in Oregon with his wife and three children. He can be found most places online @kenwalger.