"Build a Weather App (2015)" was retired on June 6, 2018. You are now viewing the recommended replacement.

- Android
- Beginner
About this Course
In this course, we will learn about a very common and important element of Android development: downloading data from the Internet! We will request weather forecast data from a free API provided by darksky.net. We will then parse that data (in JSON format) and display it in a single-page app. We will also see how to handle errors and situations when the network is unavailable.
What you'll learn
- Networking
- OkHttp
- Using an API
- Parsing JSON
- Using a DialogFragment
Ken W. Alger
Ken has a long history around computers starting with early Commodore PETs and VIC-20s. He enjoys discussing programming and how to get started in the tech industry and is a MongoDB Certified Developer.
He lives in Oregon with his wife and three children. He can be found most places online @kenwalger.