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CSS Selector Reference

CSS Selector Reference

This table has many of the common selectors used in CSS. It is not exhaustive, there are combinations not displayed here, but it does have the ones you will use most on a normal basis.

Element types:

Selector Example Description
tag p Selects all p elements
.class .container Selects all elements whose class="container"
#id #myButton Selects an element whose id="myButton"


Selector Example Description
element h1 Selects all h1 elements
element, element div, h1 Selects all div elements and all h1 elements (regardless of level)
element element div h1 Selects all h1 elements inside of div elements
element > element div > h1 Selects all h1 elements whose direct parent is a div
element + element p + p Selects p elements that are the next element after another p element

Attribute Selectors:

Selector Example Description
[attribute] input[type] Selects all input elements that are using the type attribute
[attribute=value] input[type=text] Selects all input elements of type text (text boxes)
[attribute^=value] [class^=grid] Selects all elements that start with a class name of "grid", ie: grid__row
[attribute$=value] [class$=primary] Selects all elements that end with a class name of "primary", ie: button--primary


Selector Example Description
:active button:active Selects the button that is currently being pressed or touched
:focus input:focus Selects the input currently in focus
:hover a:hover Selects a link that the mouse pointer is over.

Index Selectors (Subset of Pseudo-Classes):

Selector Example Description
:nth-child(n) p:nth-child(3) Selects every p element that is the third child of its parent.
:nth-child(odd or even) p:nth-child(odd) Selects every odd numbered p element inside of its parent.
:nth-last-child(n) p:nth-last-child(3) Selects every p element that is the third from last child of its parent
:nth-of-type(n) p:nth-of-type(3) Selects every p element that is the third p element inside its parent
:nth-last-of-type(n) p:nth-last-of-type(3) Selects every p element that is the third from last p element inside its parent


Selector Example Description
::after div::after Used to insert content after an element
::before div::before Used to insert content before an element
::placeholder input::placeholder Selects the HTML5 placeholder attribute