- Intermediate
About this Course
If you're not sure where to begin when converting CSS over to Sass, this is the place to start. In this course, you'll learn how to convert a simple web project over to Sass, the most widely used CSS preprocessor.
This course aims to clear up common misconceptions about Sass, and help you fit Sass into your front-end workflow.
What you'll learn
- Installing and Updating Sass
- Fitting Sass into your workflow
- Refactoring CSS with Sass
- Debugging Sass code
Installing Sass and Setting up the Project
Learn how to get Sass up and running in your project! We'll cover methods for installing and updating Sass with a few friendly commands. Then, we'll bring our website project into Workspaces, where we'll begin refactoring with Sass.
6 stepsRefactoring with Sass
After we break our CSS up into partial files, we'll begin refactoring our CSS with Sass and learn the benefits of using Sass in our front-end workflow.
10 steps-
Breaking the Style Sheet into Partials
Finishing and Importing our Partials
Placeholder Selectors
Nesting Selectors
Color Variables
Font Stack and Asset Variables
Reusing Code with Mixins
Writing a Mixin for Common Text Patterns
Defining Media Queries
Refactoring with Sass Review
7 questions
Debugging, Best Practices, and Production
This stage covers common errors that can happen when using Sass features like variables, mixins, extends, and more. After we optimize our project's style sheet for production, we'll learn how to debug our Sass code in the browser with source maps, and go over helpful tools and resources.
5 stepsTeacher
Guil Hernandez
Guil is a Full Stack JavaScript and Front End Web Development instructor.