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Having to restart Unicorn manually after each deploy would be a pain. Let's add a Capistrano task to automate this.
If we edit config/
, we'll see APP_ROOT=/home/deploy/guestbook/current
and PID=$APP_ROOT/tmp/pids/
. The process ID file, which is needed to restart the Unicorn process, is in the guestbook/current/
directory, which gets overwritten on each deploy. We need to instead store it in the shared/
directory, which is preserved between deploys.
Connect to your server via ssh
and run:
mkdir -p ~/guestbook/shared/tmp/pids/
On your development machine, in config/deploy.rb
, add:
append :linked_dirs, "tmp/pids"
From your development terminal:
bundle exec cap production deploy
Having to restart manually after each deploy is a pain, though. Let's create a task. Create lib/capistrano/tasks/deploy_restart.rake
namespace :deploy do
desc "Restart Unicorn"
task :restart do
on roles(:app) do
execute "sudo /home/deploy/guestbook/current/config/ restart"
# ^^^ Depending on your environment settings you may find using
# "restart" as an argument to doesn't reload your app's
# code. If that's the case, try using "upgrade" instead of "restart".
after "deploy:finishing", "deploy:restart"
If we run bundle exec cap production deploy:restart
, we'll see no tty present and no askpass program specified
. We need to edit the "sudoers" file for our deploy
Connect to your server via ssh
and run:
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/deploy
If you don't already have that file, see our App Deployment Accounts workshop to create one.
Add a line to allow
to run without a password:
deploy ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
# Must be AFTER above line
deploy ALL=NOPASSWD: /home/deploy/guestbook/current/config/
Running bundle exec cap production deploy:restart
should work now. And running bundle exec cap production deploy
should automatically restart Unicorn after the deployment.
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