Local Code Challenge

Continuing with our dataset, let's find the first 5 players' names that have scored over 100,000 points

You'll be completing this challenge using an IDE or code editor locally on your own computer. Download the code to get started and use the tools in your IDE or code editor to help you complete it. When you're ready, upload your finished code to run a series of tests and make sure everything's in working order!

Extra tips:

Remember to check the imperative style. Use the Gradle task treehouse > prepareSubmission.

There is more information in the README.md file in the root of the project.

Important Message for Windows Users:

The filename of the zip file is very long and may cause problems on Windows environments whose paths are limited by 256 characters. A workaround is to rename the zip file something much shorter. We are working on fixing this. Thanks for your patience!