- Beginner
About this Course
Whether you have aspirations of working on a Content Management System, an E-Commerce Site, a new and exciting web app, or an API you will eventually need to work with a Database. PHP and Databases work together through the use of PHP Data Objects or PDO for short.
What you'll learn
- PHP Data Objects
- Database Security
- Queries & Results
Getting Started With PDO
Now that you know the basics of the PHP language it is time for us to start talking about how to integrate with databases. For this course we are going to use a sample database that is structured to fit the construct of a Movie rental store. This sample database is called the Sakila database.
5 stepsPDO Queries & Results
Queries are one of the most used items out of all of the interfacing we will want to do with our PDO object. Let's take a closer look at queries using PDO and what these queries will return to us.
6 stepsPDO Database Security
Security is very important when we start working with databases. Most all databases contain information that could be considered sensitive or private. We would not want to open up ourselves to attacks from the outside or accidental dumps of this private information.
5 stepsTeacher
Hampton Paulk
Hampton is a fan of family life, fly fishing, woodworking, and rare steaks. He has a rarely followed Twitter account and is a relentless optimist. #PMA