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- 2x 2x
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An object's "class" decides what methods are available on it.
- Can get a list of the methods available on an object with the
method:p 2.methods.sort
,p "AA".methods.sort
$ irb
2.3.0 :001 > 2.methods.sort
=> [:!, :!=, :!~, :%, :&, :*, :**, :+, :+@, :-, :-@, :/, :<, :<<, :<=, :<=>, :==, :===, :=~, :>, :>=, :>>, :[], :^, :__id__, :__send__, :abs, :abs2, :angle, :arg, :between?, :bit_length, :ceil, :chr, :class, :clone, :coerce, :conj, :conjugate, :define_singleton_method, :denominator, :display, :div, :divmod, :downto, :dup, :enum_for, :eql?, :equal?, :even?, :extend, :fdiv, :floor, :freeze, :frozen?, :gcd, :gcdlcm, :hash, :i, :imag, :imaginary, :inspect, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :instance_of?, :instance_variable_defined?, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variables, :integer?, :interesting_methods, :is_a?, :itself, :kind_of?, :lcm, :magnitude, :method, :methods, :modulo, :negative?, :next, :nil?, :nonzero?, :numerator, :object_id, :odd?, :ord, :phase, :polar, :positive?, :pred, :private_methods, :protected_methods, :public_method, :public_methods, :public_send, :quo, :rationalize, :real, :real?, :rect, :rectangular, :remainder, :remove_instance_variable, :respond_to?, :round, :send, :singleton_class, :singleton_method, :singleton_method_added, :singleton_methods, :size, :step, :succ, :taint, :tainted?, :tap, :times, :to_c, :to_enum, :to_f, :to_i, :to_int, :to_r, :to_s, :truncate, :trust, :untaint, :untrust, :untrusted?, :upto, :zero?, :|, :~]
2.3.0 :002 > "AA".methods.sort
=> [:!, :!=, :!~, :%, :*, :+, :+@, :-@, :<, :<<, :<=, :<=>, :==, :===, :=~, :>, :>=, :[], :[]=, :__id__, :__send__, :ascii_only?, :b, :between?, :bytes, :bytesize, :byteslice, :capitalize, :capitalize!, :casecmp, :center, :chars, :chomp, :chomp!, :chop, :chop!, :chr, :class, :clear, :clone, :codepoints, :concat, :count, :crypt, :define_singleton_method, :delete, :delete!, :display, :downcase, :downcase!, :dump, :dup, :each_byte, :each_char, :each_codepoint, :each_line, :empty?, :encode, :encode!, :encoding, :end_with?, :enum_for, :eql?, :equal?, :extend, :force_encoding, :freeze, :frozen?, :getbyte, :gsub, :gsub!, :hash, :hex, :include?, :index, :insert, :inspect, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :instance_of?, :instance_variable_defined?, :instance_variable_get, :instance_variable_set, :instance_variables, :interesting_methods, :intern, :is_a?, :itself, :kind_of?, :length, :lines, :ljust, :lstrip, :lstrip!, :match, :method, :methods, :next, :next!, :nil?, :object_id, :oct, :ord, :partition, :prepend, :private_methods, :protected_methods, :public_method, :public_methods, :public_send, :remove_instance_variable, :replace, :respond_to?, :reverse, :reverse!, :rindex, :rjust, :rpartition, :rstrip, :rstrip!, :scan, :scrub, :scrub!, :send, :setbyte, :singleton_class, :singleton_method, :singleton_methods, :size, :slice, :slice!, :split, :squeeze, :squeeze!, :start_with?, :strip, :strip!, :sub, :sub!, :succ, :succ!, :sum, :swapcase, :swapcase!, :taint, :tainted?, :tap, :to_c, :to_enum, :to_f, :to_i, :to_r, :to_s, :to_str, :to_sym, :tr, :tr!, :tr_s, :tr_s!, :trust, :unicode_normalize, :unicode_normalize!, :unicode_normalized?, :unpack, :untaint, :untrust, :untrusted?, :upcase, :upcase!, :upto, :valid_encoding?]
- The object's class decides which methods are available on it.
- You can call the
method on any object to find out what its class is.
2.3.0 :003 > 2.class
=> Fixnum
2.3.0 :004 > "AA".class
=> String
- You already know how to create objects from the
classes.- Just include text between quotation marks in your code, and you'll have a
- Likewise, just include a whole number in your code, and you'll have a
- Just include text between quotation marks in your code, and you'll have a
2.3.0 :003 > 2.class
=> Fixnum
2.3.0 :004 > "AA".class
=> String
For other classes, you usually have to call a method on the class to get an instance of it. For example, earlier we briefly showed how to get an instance of the Time
class, which represents the current time, by calling the Time.now
2.3.0 :005 > time = Time.now
=> 2017-09-02 23:11:23 -0700
2.3.0 :006 > time.class
=> Time
Here are links to documentation on some Ruby classes and their methods:
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