- Beginner
About this Course
Sass is a stylesheet language that extends CSS with features like variables, nested rules, mixins, and functions, in a CSS-compatible syntax. In this course, you'll learn to use the powers of Sass to boost your front end workflow. The examples will teach you why you should use Sass in your projects. By the end, you will be writing more efficient CSS using code that is easy to read and maintain.
What you'll learn
- What is a CSS Preprocessor?
- Variables, nested rules and mixins
- Separating your stylesheet into partials
- Storing data in maps
- Functions, loops and conditionals
Getting Started with Sass
Get up and running with Sass! In this stage, you'll learn to compile Sass into plain CSS, and use variables to make your code less repetitive and easier to maintain.
9 stepsImprove Your Workflow with Sass
Ready to experience the true power and elegance of Sass? In this stage, you'll learn to keep your code "DRY", using nested selectors and the &
symbol to reference the parent selector of nested rules. You'll also create reusable blocks of code called mixins, and extend the properties of other selectors via the @extend
Nested Selectors
Use the Ampersand to Reference Parent Selectors
Write Nested Selectors
4 objectives
Introducing Mixins
Pass Content Blocks to Mixins
Write a Mixin
4 objectives
Extend the Properties of Selectors
Extend Placeholder Selectors
Practice Extending a Selector
3 objectives
Using Comments
Sass Workflow Review
7 questions
Write Smart and Efficient CSS with Sass
Learn to organize your Sass projects with partials, and efficient ways to manage media queries, color values and repeating patterns in your code.
8 stepsAdd Reusable Logic to Your Sass
Time to add powerful logic to your stylesheets! Push your Sass skills further by creating smarter and extensible mixins. Write conditionals and loops to simplify repetitive tasks, and learn how Sass helps you handle errors and debug code in the browser.
12 steps-
Creating Powerful Mixins
Smarter Mixins with null and Keyword Arguments
Advanced Mixins Challenge
4 objectives
Add Conditional Logic to Your Stylesheets
Storing Values in Maps
Write Loops with @for
Loop Through Lists with @each
Loop Through Data in a Map with @each
Maps and Loops Review
5 questions
Handling Errors with @error and @warn
Debugging Sass with Sourcemaps
Debugging Review
5 questions
Guil Hernandez
Guil is a Full Stack JavaScript and Front End Web Development instructor.