(UPI) Chapter 15: Understanding and Implementing Inheritance in Python: Concepts and Practices
61-minute College Credit Course
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Real-world entities are often described in relation to other entities. For example, a finch is a type of bird. Similarly, classes, which represent types of real-world entities, can be related to each other.
Inheritance describes the relationship in which one class is a type of another class. Classes within inheritance relationships can inherit attributes and methods from other classes without needing to redefine everything. Thus, inheritance in object-oriented programming reduces redundancy and promotes modularity.
Understanding Class Relationships and Inheritance in Python
Explore the concepts of is-a and has-a relationships in Python, along with how inheritance works to create subclasses and extend functionality, all through practical examples.
2 stepsUnderstanding Subclassing and Inheritance in Python
Discover how to define and use simple subclasses in Python, access inherited attributes, and create new instance attributes using the __init__() method. Understand how to build on class functionality with inheritance and method overriding.
2 stepsAdvanced Concepts in Object-Oriented Programming
Explore key concepts in object-oriented programming, including method overriding, using super() to call superclass methods, and polymorphism. Learn how to modify inherited behavior and create more flexible, reusable code with inheritance and operator overloading.
2 stepsHierarchical and Multilevel Inheritance
Discover how hierarchical inheritance allows multiple subclasses to inherit from a single superclass, and how multilevel inheritance builds on this by allowing a subclass to act as a superclass for another class. Learn how to implement and access attributes in such structures through practical examples.
2 stepsUnderstanding Multiple Inheritance and Mixin Classes in Python
Explore multiple inheritance in Python, the challenges of the diamond problem, and how mixin classes can streamline class organization and functionality.
3 steps