Joel Kraft
Treehouse Guest Teacher
Member Since February 12, 2016
Topics & Specialties
Courses & Workshops I've Taught
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Practice forEach in JavaScript
Now that you've learned about JavaScript's forEach method, practice using it with this series of challenges.
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Getting Started With ES2015
ES2015, also called ES6, is a newer version of the JavaScript language that’s well supported in browsers and commonly used by programmers. In this course, you'll get up-to-speed with ES2015 basics and be well on your way to writing modern JavaScript. You'll learn best practices for creating variables, using the let and const keywords, and a better way to concatenate string values using template literals. You'll also learn the compact syntax for creating functions using "arrow syntax."
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JavaScript Array Iteration Methods
Learn how to access and transform data in arrays with JavaScript's array iteration methods. You'll learn how, why, and when to use these powerful methods to make your code easier to read and more concise.
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React by Example
Learn React programming patterns by building an application for keeping track of RSVP's! We'll start at the beginning, using create react app (https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app) to initialize the project, and by the end you'll have a functional application.
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Regular Expressions in JavaScript
Learn how regular expressions can help you validate forms, search and replace strings, and more. Regular expressions match patterns in strings. Pattern matching is a powerful tool that programs can use to "understand" the text users type in.
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Introducing JavaScript
Learn the fundamentals of programming by building a JavaScript video game. This fun, exploratory course teaches you basic concepts like variables, values, conditional statements and functions by interactively playing with code while creating a game.
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Express Basics
Learn how to use Express.js to build dynamic websites on the Node.js platform. In the process, you'll learn some fundamental HTTP concepts that you can apply to any other framework!
21 minWorkshop
Create a Media Player with MediaElement.js
MediaElement.js allows you to offer a consistent experience with audio and video across browsers. You can also customize the players to your heart's content. Let's learn how to use MediaElement.js to share audio and video with your users.
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39 minWorkshop
Debugging JavaScript in the Browser
JavaScript programs are mysterious and hidden realms where magic happens. This can be delightful when everything is working. During development, though, things often won't work so well, and understanding why can be hard. You need a way to dispell the fog and see everything clearly. In this workshop we'll learn how to use a tool that professionals rely on to get crucial insights into their JavaScript programs: Chrome's Developer Tools (DevTools). With DevTools, you can get amazing access to the inner workings of your program while it runs, controlling how it executes with fine-grained control. This means that once you learn the DevTools arts, you can find and fix problems in a snap! Prerequisite Course For best results, we recommend first taking the following course: * DOM Scripting By Example (https://teamtreehouse.com/library/dom-scripting-by-example)
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23 minWorkshop
Understanding Express Middleware
Learn how Express Middleware works. We'll walk through some simple examples to start. Then we'll create a simple Express app to show middleware in context. Prerequisite Course For best results, we recommend first taking the following course: Express Basics (https://teamtreehouse.com/library/express-basics)
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DOM Scripting By Example
Use JavaScript to build an RSVP web application. Many of the features you'll build are common to other web applications. When you're done programing the app, you'll have the basics you will need to build any client-side web app.
9 minWorkshop
Introducing Template Literals
Template literals offer a lot of convenience when creating strings in JavaScript. Let's look at the main features.
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25 minWorkshop
Exploring JavaScript Conditionals
In this workshop, we'll explore alternatives to if..then statements for controlling program flow. Even if you don't end up using them, you will see these forms appear in other code bases, and it's helpful to know how they work.
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22 minWorkshop
Understanding Closures in JavaScript
In this workshop learn how closures are used to preserve data between function calls.