Tsung-Lin Kuo

Tsung-Lin Kuo



Total Points

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219 Achievements

  • Simple Mobile Interface
  • Exporting Designs
  • Sketch Features
  • Introducing Sketch
  • Next Steps
  • Improving Our Tests
  • Behavior Driven Development with Mocha & Chai
  • Introducing Unit Testing
  • Completing and Testing the API
  • Communicating with Mongo Through Mongoose
  • Modeling Data for the API
  • Building API Routes in Express
  • Building a REST Service
  • File Uploads and Entity Updates in Spring + Hibernate
  • User Messages in Spring
  • Getting Started with CRUD in Spring + Hibernate
  • Data-Driven Application Design
  • Integrating Hibernate with Spring
  • Persisting Data with Hibernate
  • Getting Started with Hibernate
  • Data Persistence & ORMs
  • Using the MVC Architecture with Spring
  • Modeling, Storing, and Presenting Data with Spring
  • Item Completion & Interaction
  • Nested Edits & Updates
  • Nested Routes & Controllers
  • Relating Models
  • Laravel CRUD
  • Validation & Flash Messages
  • Laravel Forms
  • Laravel & Databases
  • Laravel Controllers
  • Laravel Project Setup
  • Laravel Getting Started
  • Creating Spring Controllers and Thymeleaf Views
  • Spring Components and Configuring Our App
  • Setting Up Your Local Environment for Spring Development
  • Using your New Tools
  • Getting Started with Java
  • Implementing the Detail View
  • Custom Table View Cells
  • Next Week's Weather
  • Upgrading Stormy
  • Introduction to Table Views
  • Creating Flexible Objects with Protocols
  • Protocols
  • Refreshing the Data
  • Adding Weather Icons
  • Managing Complexity
  • Interacting With Data From the Web
  • Simple Data Structures
  • Closures in iOS
  • Closures and Closure Expressions
  • Functions as First Class Citizens
  • Refactoring Our Code (Swift)
  • Building the Master and Detail Views (Swift)
  • Building a Music Library and Playlists (Swift)
  • Using a Navigation Controller With Segues (Swift)
  • Working With Multiple View Controllers (Swift)
  • Deploying to a Device
  • Debugging Our App
  • Improving Our User Interface
  • Using a Data Model
  • Views and View Controllers
  • Getting Started with Xcode
  • Swift Value vs Reference Types
  • Swift Properties
  • Swift Inheritance
  • Swift Classes and Objects
  • Swift Structs and their Methods
  • Swift Structs
  • Swift Enums and their Methods
  • Swift Enums
  • Swift Optionals
  • Swift Parameters and Tuples
  • Swift Functions
  • Control Flow
  • Collections
  • Operators
  • Types
  • Variables and Constants
  • Immersive Examples
  • Scope and Loops
  • More Operators
  • Operators and Conditionals
  • Data Types and Variables
  • Intro to Objective-C
  • The Internet
  • Get Involved in Open Source
  •  Create a Web Presence on GitHub
  •  Working on a Team
  • Working By Yourself
  • Hello, GitHub!
  • Workflows
  • Working With Remote Repositories
  • Merging
  • Branches
  • Getting Started With Git
  • Why Version Control Matters
  • Store Inventory Using Modules
  • Include and Extend
  • Ruby Core Modules
  • Ruby Module Basics
  • Blocks Practice
  • Working With Blocks
  • Ruby Blocks
  • Build a Simple Todo List Program
  • Ruby Booleans
  • Build a Bank Account Class
  • Ruby Variables and Methods
  • Ruby Objects and Classes
  • Build a Simple Contact List
  • Ruby Iteration
  • Ruby Loops
  • Build a Grocery List Program
  • Ruby Hashes
  • Ruby Arrays
  • Ruby Logical Operators
  • Ruby Control Structures
  • Ruby Operators
  • Rails Deployment
  • Building the Profile Page
  • Testing the Whole App
  • Rails Routing
  • Customizing Ruby on Rails Forms
  • Writing Tests
  • Ruby on Rails Authentication
  • Rails Frontend Development
  • Getting Started With Rails
  • Hosting with GitHub Pages
  • Building and Customizing the Blog
  • Getting Started with Jekyll
  • Installing a Ruby Development Environment
  • Ruby Methods
  • Ruby Numbers (Ruby Basics)
  • Ruby Strings (Ruby Basics)
  • How Ruby Works
  • Viewing a Web Page
  • Adapting Data for Display
  • Data Modeling
  • Getting Data from the Web
  • Rebuilding from Scratch
  • Exploring the Master-Detail Template
  • Refactoring Our Code (objc)
  • Building the Master and Detail Views (objC)
  • Managing Playlist Data (objC)
  • Building a Music Library Model (objc)
  • Working With Multiple View Controllers (ObjC)
  • Deploying to a Device (ObjC)
  • Debugging Our App (ObjC)
  • Improving Our User Interface (ObjC)
  • Creating a Data Model (ObjC)
  • Views and View Controllers (ObjC)
  • What's New in Foundation 5
  • Build a Website With Foundation
  • Prototyping With Foundation
  • Getting Started with Xcode (ObjC)
  • Beyond the Basics
  • Advanced Objective-C
  • Foundation Framework
  • Introduction to Objective-C
  • Pointers and Memory
  • Functional Programming in C
  • Fundamentals of C
  • Beginning HTML and CSS
  • Concepts on Advanced Functions
  • Advanced Variables, Mixins, Functions, and Placeholders
  • Updating and Uninstalling Packages with npm
  • Installing Packages with npm
  • What is npm?
  • Getting Started with Advanced Sass
  • Advanced Sass Concepts
  • Speeding up Workflow With Sass
  • Variables, Mixins, and Extending Selectors
  • Positioning Page Content
  • CSS Layout Project
  • Page Layout with the Float Property
  • Controlling Layout with CSS Display Modes
  • Getting Started with CSS Layout
  • Advanced Selectors
  • Going Further with Attribute Selectors and Pseudo-Classes
  • Selectors - Beyond the Basics
  • Getting Started with Sass
  • Fundamental Concepts
  • Designing with the Latest Features
  • Basic Layout
  • The Box Model
  • Understanding Values and Units
  • Basic Selectors
  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Improving your Gulp Workflow
  • Compile Sass with Gulp
  • Gulp your JavaScript workflow!
  • Welcome to Gulp.js
  • Build a Website With Bootstrap
  • Prototyping With Bootstrap
  • Introduction to Front-End Frameworks
  • Installing Programs
  • Environment and Redirection
  • Console Processes
  • Console Users and Permission
  • Moving Around in the Console
  • JavaScript Objects
  • JavaScript Arrays
  • JavaScript Loops
  • Improving Our Todo App
  • Services in Angular
  • Using Angular's Built-in Directives
  • Controllers and Scope
  • Getting Started with Angular
  • JavaScript Functions
  • JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • JavaScript Numbers
  • JavaScript Variables
  • Introducing JavaScript
  • WWW
  • Computer Languages
  • Computer Basics
  • Newbie