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Andrea Suarez Lopez
Andrea Suarez Lopez
362 Points

Multiply $integerOne by $floatOne and display the results.

Why is this code:


//Place your code below this comment

$integerOne = 1;
$integerTwo = 2;
$floatOne = 1.5;

echo $integerOne += 5;
echo $integerTwo -= 1;
echo ( $integerOne * $floatOne );


Showing me this error: Bummer: Are you sure you multiplied $integerOne by $floatOne? This should be the same as 6*1.5 which equals 9.?

On preview I can see the results are 6 1 9

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

Only the instructions for task 3 include "display the results". The other two instructions ask you to change the values but not to display them.

So when you get to task 3, the system is expecting to see "9", but this code is giving it "619" instead.

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