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C# C# Basics Numbers Converting Strings to Numbers

change method return type

In this video, you use Parse to convert the string that is returned from the method, to an Int. Can we also change the return type of the method itself to Int so that it returns an int instead of string? in order to avoid using Parse. Are there instances where you will require the value to be one type (ex: string) but need to use it as a different type (ex: int) in another part of the code?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,980 Points

You could certainly create a method like "Ask" that returns a number instead of a string, but the int.Parse would need to be done there to convert the input string to the proper return type. So you wouldn't avoid using Parse, but then, why would you want to? It's exactly what's needed there.

And yes, conversion between types is a common part of many programs.
