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Databases Modifying Data with SQL Adding Data to a Database Adding Data With SQL

Eric Popper
Eric Popper
758 Points

eCommerce Database modification. Challenge Task 1 of 3 Bummer: expecting 4 entries in the products table. There's only 3

Challenge Task 1 of 3 We have an eCommerce database and it has a products table. It has the columns id, name, description and price.

Add a new product to the products table. Use any valid values you want. All columns are required. The id column is auto incrementing.

Bummer: Was expecting 4 entries in the products table. There's only 3.

INSERT INTO products (id, name, description, price) VALUES (NULL, "Milk", "refreshment", 10);

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

1 Answer

I copy/pasted your SQL into the challenge and it passed.

Eric Popper
Eric Popper
758 Points

Thank you for your answer Kris. If it worked for you, how come it's not working for me?

Eric Popper
Eric Popper
758 Points

There must have been a glitch that got fixed because now the code works. Thanks.