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Go Language Go Language Overview Data Structures Maps

for the maps objective question, is it possible to put " " around the word strings in the question? the key isnt clear

the question was simple. i just didn't know until further review that the name was strings, since naming threw me off.

current: challenge task 1 of 1

The HalfPriceSale function should receive a map with product name strings as its keys, and corresponding prices as its values, like this: {"OCKOPROG": 89.99, "ALBOÖMME": 129.99, "TRAALLÅ", 49.99}

new: The HalfPriceSale function should receive a map with product name "strings" as its keys, and corresponding prices as its values, like this: {"OCKOPROG": 89.99, "ALBOÖMME": 129.99, "TRAALLÅ", 49.99}

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

The word strings here is referring to the object type of the product names, so it would not be appropriate to enclose it in quotes.

Placing it in quotes would imply that the word "strings" was actually one of the product names, which is not true.

isnt the object type just string and in this case strings is the variable type name?

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

The terms "object" and "variable" refer to the same thing. The type is string and strings is just the plural (referring to more than one).