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Python Python Basics Types and Branching Comparisons

Lewis Fierle
Lewis Fierle
392 Points


This function .format keeps showing up in the code and Im a bit confused as to the when to use, and what exactly it does. It appears to relate to inputs but im just a little unsure about when I might use .format and what exactly its doing in my code.


3 Answers

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points

The .format() method of a string is very useful for creating strings that can be formed from a template. These can be used anywhere you feel is appropriate.

The .format() method has some distinct advantages over simple concatenation of strings especially in complex scenarios where you might want to name the parameters or reuse them multiple times.

Here is a nice explanation:


message = "My name is {} {}.".format('Bart','Simpson')

message = "My name is Mr. {last}-- Mr. {first} {last}.  But you can call me {first}.".format(first='Bart', last='Simpson')

This will return

My name is Bart Simpson.
My name is Mr. Simpson-- Mr. Bart Simpson.  But you can call me Bart.

Suppose we have a madlib

madlib = """
This is a story of a famous {animal}.  This {animal}'s name is {name}.
Not only was this a {adjective} {animal}, but this {animal} could perform {skill}!
One day {name} the {animal} made a friend named {friend}.
{friend} was amazed that {name} the {animal} was so {adjective} at {skill}.
{name} served {friend} some {dessert} that proved to be {adjective}.
It was a {adjective} day afterall!
The end.
print(madlib.format(animal='Unicorn', name='Susan',
    adjective='dazzling', skill='magic',friend='Eggbert', dessert="chocolate ice-cream"))
    name='Doctor Oddball', adjective='bizzare', skill='Hip-hop dancing',
    friend='Waldo the Clown', dessert="blueberry pancakes"))

the output

This is a story of a famous Unicorn.  This Unicorn's name is Susan.
Not only was this a dazzling Unicorn, but this Unicorn could perform magic!
One day Susan the Unicorn made a friend named Eggbert.
Eggbert was amazed that Susan the Unicorn was so dazzling at magic.
Susan served Eggbert some chocolate ice-cream that proved to be dazzling.
It was a dazzling day afterall!
The end.

This is a story of a famous Vampire.  This Vampire's name is Doctor Oddball.
Not only was this a bizzare Vampire, but this Vampire could perform Hip-hop dancing!
One day Doctor Oddball the Vampire made a friend named Waldo the Clown.
Waldo the Clown was amazed that Doctor Oddball the Vampire was so bizzare at Hip-hop dancing.
Doctor Oddball served Waldo the Clown some blueberry pancakes that proved to be bizzare.
It was a bizzare day afterall!
The end.

But .format() is also great for formatting numbers. There are more than 20 different types of formatting built in. This is a very compelling reason to use it.

import math
print("A tribute to Pi, a very important number")

print("--Pi rounding--")
print("pi to 2 decimal places is {:.2f}".format(math.pi))
print("pi to 4 decimal places is {:.4f}".format(math.pi))

print("--In science/engineering--")
print("pi in scientific format is {:E}".format(math.pi))


A tribute to Pi, a very important number
--Pi rounding--
pi to 2 decimal places is 3.14
pi to 4 decimal places is 3.1416
--In science/engineering--
pi in scientific format is 3.141593E+00

Thanks for that :)

Just for fun I made it take input:

madlib = """This is a story of a famous {animal}. This {animal}'s name is {name}. Not only was this a {adjective} {animal}, but this {animal} could perform {skill}! One day {name} the {animal} made a friend named {friend}. {friend} was amazed that {name} the {animal} was so {adjective} at {skill}. {name} served {friend} some {dessert} that proved to be {adjective}. It was a {adjective} day afterall! The end. """ print(madlib.format(animal=input("animal "), name=input("name "), adjective=input("adjective "), skill=input("skill "),friend=input("friend "), dessert=input("dessert ")))

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points


Very cool way to use the concept!



Lewis Fierle
Lewis Fierle
392 Points

Thanks that cleared some things up!