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Python Functions, Packing, and Unpacking Packing and Unpacking Unpacking Challenge

I don't really understand the question

Edit the variable assignment under the provided function so that the tuple returned from the function call is unpacked into 2 variables, val1, val2

def unpacker(*args):

val = unpacker('Python', 'rocks!')

1 Answer

Chris Freeman
Chris Freeman
Treehouse Moderator 68,423 Points

Hey Robert Popescu, you’ve changed the original code a bit. The function returns args. Looking at how tuples can be packed and unpacked:

>>> def unpacker(*args):
...     return args
>>> # given
>>> val = ('Python', 'rocks!')
>>> val
('Python', 'rocks!')
>>> # the tuple can be unpacked as
>>> val1, val2 = val
>>> val1
>>> val2

The same can be done with the returned value from the function call unpacker('Python', 'rocks!'). That is, the result can be assigned to val1, val2

Post back if you need more help. Good luck!!!