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C# C# Basics Strings Escape Sequences

I don't think C# Basics questions are working

I keep running into multiple issues when trying to run C# Basics challenge tasks. It keeps showing me strange errors.

using System;

class Program

    static string Quote(string s1)
        return s1;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Quote by Maya Angelou.
        Console.WriteLine(Quote("When you learn, teach. When you get, give."));
        // Quote by Benjamin Franklin.
        Console.WriteLine(Quote("No gains without pains."));


1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,968 Points

Your error message contained this (reformatted slightly for clarity):

...but we got...:     Patrick, I don't think wumbo is a real word.
We were expecting: "Patrick, I don't think wumbo is a real word."

The instructions say the method "should return that same string, but surrounded by double quotes.". However, the method code shown above simply returns the argument unchanged.

Characters can be added to the string using String Concatenation or String Interpolation.