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JavaScript JavaScript Numbers The Math Object Random Number Challenge

I've watched the videos a few times, but i can't remember the long formula, so how can i get through this.

I've watched the videos a few times, but i can't remember the long formula, so how can i get through this.

4 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

I doubt if most programmers remember every formula they might need β€” I sure don't. But the exercise is intended to be "open book", like real development would be, so you can refer to the video or look it up using a web reference lke the MDN page for Math.random.

So and i apologise for being slow, but am i right in thinking that a programmer might know that he has covered certain code, but temporarily forgotten how to implement it, therefore its ok to keep looking on the internet for what he might need? Also is that acceptable to do throughout this Techdegree?

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

The only time using references might not be appropriate would be in a proctored exam. You would be given explicit rules in that case.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

All I know about the techdegree is from company postings, but the blog page does metion "a proctored final exam.".

The public info also talks about a "Dedicated team of Techdegree specialists" and "Weekly office hours for live support". Those would probably be the folks who can give you more details.

Ok well either way i'm gonna keep reading and learning. Thanks for your encouragement and help that you always give.

Is this course end in a proctored exam? not much is said about what to expect..

I'd like to be qualified but have their been occasions where people have gotten a job based on what they know, yet have no qualifications? Within Web Development?

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

It depends on the employer, but it does happen. And if you go freelance it depends on the client, but an impressive portfolio will certainly entice more clients than qualifications.