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Design Digital Media Through Photoshop Hello, Photoshop! Hello, Photoshop Review

Alexandra Cianciara
Alexandra Cianciara
2,465 Points

Photoshop artwork saving

How do I save the photoshop artwork so I can go back to editing it again? I'm not talking about saving end files just an artwork. I'd like to be able to shut my photoshop and open the artwork later when I need to.

The files in the teacher notes for the Photoshop project had Adobe Illustrator artwork saved as AI Artwork but I dont see such option for Photoshop when saving as..

Thank you

2 Answers

You just go to the menu and click save, then you must save as PDS. PSD is the photoshop extension for files. Then to open just double click the file in Finder (macOS) or explorer (Windows)

OฤŸulcan Ahmed Polat
OฤŸulcan Ahmed Polat
8,181 Points

The Photoshop program supports many different file recording formats. The official recording format for Photoshop is called PSD. Because the program is pixel-based, it makes feedback based on your computer capacity. This means that when you do not save the document, the return of errors can be limited to a few steps back. For this reason, while we use photoshop by evaluating the layer structure functionally by using the method of masking and cloning the changes in the protection of our document to perform correctly, we ensure that the document results without damage. If the number of return in the document that is expressed in the history of the fields that you say your command + z in this process with your design damaged, it may not be possible to return. As I mentioned in the demarcation and layering and accurate recording of the document is possible to provide the return.