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iOS Swift Basics Swift Operators Working With Operators: Part 2

Swift Basics

This is the question for my code challenge: In this game of ours, we have an odd scoring mechanism . At the end of the round, if your score is 10, you lose! If it's anything but 10, you win.

Declare a constant named isWinner and assign the results of a comparison operation to check whether the player has won or not. For example, if the total score is not 10, then the player has won and isWinner should equal true. (Hint: Use the NOT operator)

How would the operator know who the winner is, I do not know how to code this problem

// Enter your code below

var initialScore = 8
initialScore += 1

let isWinner 

2 Answers

Matthew Long
Matthew Long
28,407 Points

Think of it as declaring a constant that compares the value of initialScore to 10. So for this game you win if the score is not equal to 10: initialScore != 10. Then set this comparison to the constant isWinner. This looks like:

var initialScore = 8
initialScore += 1
let isWinner = initialScore != 10

Okay thankyou so much!