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JavaScript Express Basics Getting Started with Express Creating a Route with Express

The page is displaying what its supposed to, but there is still an error in my Chrome console

The page does show "I love Treehouse!", but I inspected element and my console has the error "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. localhost/:1". Like I said the page is working, but I dislike not knowing what this error is and tried Googling and did not find anything that was satisfactory. Any ideas on what it is and if it can be rid of?


Read through the above stackoverflow post and comments/answers. You won't be satisfied with the answers. This is because you don't yet have the experience to fully understand what they're really talking about, so you come away still feeling a bit confused. This is okay. In my experience, things begin to make more and more sense over time, and you have to be confused and dissatisfied with your level of understanding many times before things start to make more sense. To be perfectly honest, I don't fully understand the reason for this error myself. From what I gather, it has something to do with a Chrome extension that likely has nothing to do with the code you have written, which would explain why your code still seems to work fine.

Keep reading stuff and practicing :).

Michael, Thanks for pointing that out, and funnily enough I am using the exact same extension "Video Speed Controller" that was listed as the source of the error and it was the cause of the error. I would mark your answer as being good, but I don't see that option which I assume means you just added a comment.

Its the thought that counts. Glad my comment helped!

1 Answer

Michael Cook shared the StackOverflow page that actually pointed out the exact extension that was giving me the issue, so no one else needs to reply to this.