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VS Code as an editor

I'm using VS Code as an editor. Do I need to open the ML environment terminal in Anaconda to run my commands? This VS Code has an Anaconda extension, so will that automatically mean the VS Code integrated terminal already has a ML environment?

I ran the 'python ml.py' command both in the terminal generated by Anaconda and the integrated VS Code terminal. The output was the same on both. Are there any shortfalls if I continue to use the VS Code integrated terminal rather that the ML environment one?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Hi, I got tagged to answer but I'm not very experienced with VS Code .... yet. But it looks very cool, and it sounds like your own experience indicate it's a good substitute already.

Unless someone else chimes in with a warning, perhaps you might keep using it and just keep watching out for any problems.