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JavaScript Build a Simple Dynamic Site with Node.js HTTP Methods and Headers Perfection Suggestions

Joel Pendleton
Joel Pendleton
19,230 Points

What does he mean by 'serve static files' and what's the task he is asking we do?

What does he mean by 'serve static files' and what's the task he is asking we do?

2 Answers

He is suggesting that you take the css that is embedded in all files and create a single external css file and serve that through node.js.

jason chan
jason chan
31,009 Points

Static files are the files that never change. .css, cdn like jquery, and .html files are static.

For node js and with express library. It would be jade. jade converts into html. Which is a static page. Then it's cached in the server so it get's served faster.

I hope that helps.

From what you are saying, the idea is see the 'css' file in the browser when you run Node?