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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Returning Values

what is the difference between the "len" and "return" because isn't they both returning the value in a function?

I would like to know what is the difference between the "len" and "return" because isn't they both returning the value in a function? In the create a funtion video we used "len" to return a value and in "repeating values" video we used the "return" keyword to return a value. When do I use the len and when do I use the return?

3 Answers

Curtis Vanzandt
Curtis Vanzandt
9,165 Points

len() is a method built into Python. It returns the length of an object. For strings, it returns the amount of characters in that string.

return is a keyword used when writing functions. It's used to return a value, be it a string, integer, boolean value, or whatever.

Yuyang Peng
Yuyang Peng
5,665 Points

len() contains return, and that is why len() returns a value the function len() would look like //just a basic idea len(parameter): return //the length of parameter Curtis already explained very well, I hope this adds some information to it.

return is the keyword used by len(), and all the functions that need to return a value, to actually return a value.

For example:

The len() function uses the return keyword once it has calculated the number of character of the string that was passed in.

def len(string):
     # Calculate the length
     return result