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Where I can take my answer back or see the right answer in a Quis?

Hey I took by mistake the wrong answer and I dont know exactly the right answer but where I can take my question back?

I only can "skip the quis", "get help" , "review the video", and "go to next question". I can't click on another answer. So how I can lern from this question if I only see that this answer is wrong?

P.s. I'm german sorry if my english is harder to understand^^.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,952 Points

When you get to the end of the quiz, you will have the option to "Retry Quiz" if you did not pass. If you did pass, you can still take the quiz over by just refreshing the quiz page in your browser. You can also come back to it later by selecting it from the course index page.

Also, the quiz isn't really intended to teach you, but to help identify concepts that you might need to reinforce. That's what the "review the video" button is there for.