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JavaScript Express Basics Using Templates with Express Expressโ€™s Response.render Method

Kevin Ohlsson
Kevin Ohlsson
4,559 Points

Why are variables defined in app.js?


In this tutorial Andrew (author) initalizes template variables in app.js and calls them in the pug template.

Is it normal to define template variables in app.js?

Wouldnt it be better to keep the content of the page seperate from the business logic that resides in app.js?

For example, create a file were all template variables are defined?

Does this make sense??

1 Answer

Mark Westerweel
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Mark Westerweel
Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree Graduate 22,378 Points

It is beyond the scope of the course at this point.

It is good thinking and yes, there are ways (of course).

I found a interesting post on stack you might find worth reading