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Workspace won't run website

While I was doing my training I was going along with the trainer and maybe I may have done something but mt Workspace website won't work or appear.

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

To open the preview, click the "preview" button in the upper right (looks like a little eye).

Then, there are two steps to updating the preview as you make changes:

  1. first, save the changes using the edit menu or the Ctrl-S keyboard shortcut
  2. then, refresh the browser to see the results

Make sure you're doing both of these and write again if you still have trouble.

I'm sorry I did all those step's I will provide the message that given when I try to refresh. Can you give me your email?

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Keep all comments here so they may benefit other students with similar issues. And use the "snapshot" button on the workspace to get a sharable link for it.