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Android Build a Simple Android App (2014) Getting Started with Android Running the Fun Facts Project

hello Mr. Ben I downloaded android studio from bit toorent and i need to run java environmen but it dosent work help?


5 Answers

William Li
William Li
Courses Plus Student 26,868 Points

That's kinda odd.

Allow me to make sure you got the right setup for Java SDK.

Go to this page http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html


Is this the JDK you download and Installed?

William Li
William Li
Courses Plus Student 26,868 Points

you need Java SDK to run Android Studio.

Go to this Oracle page, download and install Java SE 7u79/80 SDK for you system.

Important: you should download Java SE version 7, not version 8

i download java sdk put it dose not work they say i need to check the environment for the computer i did that and i add a new environment but the system didn't open the same message keep pup up ,i dont now how to run the java /help? thank u

William Li
William Li
Courses Plus Student 26,868 Points

what system you're on? And is your system 32bits or 64bits?

windows 7 /64 bit /ram 4 core 2 due /hdd 320

thank you a lot it works

William Li
William Li
Courses Plus Student 26,868 Points

Cool, glad you got it up and running, nice job.