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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Introducing JavaScript Write Another Program

Alexandru Costin
Alexandru Costin
7,950 Points

You didn't put 'Warning!' inside the `alert()` function

I think there may be a bug in this challenge . My code is: <script> alert('Warning'); </script>

But i get this message: Bummer! You didn't put 'Warning!' inside the alert() function.

Am i missing something ? Thanks

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Basics</title>
  <script>alert('Warning'); </script>

3 Answers

William Li
William Li
Courses Plus Student 26,868 Points

No bug, you forgot the !

<script>alert('Warning!'); </script>
Dan Garrison
Dan Garrison
22,457 Points

I think you may need to put an exclamation point after Warning. It normally doesn't matter, but for this challenge it does. Since it is telling you to specifically put Warning!

Alexandru Costin
Alexandru Costin
7,950 Points

Thank you very much for the answer , next time i will read the question more careful.