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JavaScript JavaScript Basics (Retired) Introducing JavaScript Your First JavaScript Program

add a code inside the <script> tag with the words "Welcome to my site" onto the web page

java script

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Basics</title>


  <alert:"Welcome to my site">


Same problem: i have wrote: <script> document.write("<h1>Welcome to JavaScript basic</h1>"); </script>

9 Answers

Pedro Sousa
Pedro Sousa
Python Development Techdegree Student 18,546 Points


In the preceding video, there are 2 methods shown:

  • alert
  • document.write

I think you're trying to use the alert (but note that you're using a wrong syntax) but what you need to do is just a simple document.write.

This should do it for you:

     document.write("Welcome to my site")
Greg Kaleka
Greg Kaleka
39,021 Points

Good answer Pedro! I fixed a small typo in your code for you :)

I am writing this code document.ready("Welcome to my site");

But, still it is not passing the test. What I am doing wrong?

document.write("Welcome to my site");

<script> document.write("Welcome to my site") </script>

Lol, ignore my comment. I got it fixed. I wrote ready instead of write.

document.write("Welcome to my site");

August Oliver
August Oliver
5,933 Points

document.write("Welcome to my site");

<script> document.write("Welcome to my site") </script>

i tried this and all it said wasSyntaxError: Parse error. please get me through this.