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PHP Enhancing a Simple PHP Application Cleaning URLs with Rewrite Rules Rewrite Rules with Query Strings

Becky Christofferson
Becky Christofferson
15,047 Points

Adding the shirt conditional gives me a server error of 500 and I can't access any pages.

When I add the conditional, I can no longer access my localhost. Code is below.

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=([0-9]+)$
RewriteRule ^shirt.php$ /shirts/%1/? [R-301]

Anyone with similar issues?

1 Answer

Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw
26,676 Points

Hi Becky,

The only issue I see is your redirection statement is formatted incorrectly, currently you have an hyphen where an equals sign should be which will cause an internal server error as Apache can't parse it.

RewriteRule ^shirt.php$ /shirts/%1/? [R=301]